Famous Travel Spots

Blue Mountain


Summer is a good time to go to mountain and Blue mountain in New South Wales (Australia) is not bad idea for you to tour!!!! The Blue Mountains is Sydney's greatest recreation area for people who prefer the bush to the sea.They are part of the Great Dividing Range, which stretches from Gippsland region of Victoria in the south to the tropical rainforests of north Queensland.

The Blue Mountains are so named because, from Sydney, they look blue. They are clad in vast forests of eucalypts , which in the hot sun discharge a fine mist of eucalyptus oil from their leaves. The mist refracts light, which makes the haze look blue at a distance. That same oil makes the Australian bush as volatile as a pine forest in a bush (forest) fire. The vapour explodes, causing the fire to race through the canopy.
There are some places people should tour when they come to Blue Mountain:
  • Katoomba: Katoomba is the largest town in the Blue Mountains though it was unknown until the Katoomba Coal Mine opened in 1879. Named after the Aboriginal tribe which inhabited the area, it is home to the most famous site in the mountains - the Three Sisters. Legend has it they were three beautiful young women who had fallen in love with three men from the Nepean tribe from the foothills.

  • Faulconbridge:Once you pass Emu Plains and start to climb the mountain highway the road is dotted with villages and small towns to Katoomba. The first one definitely worth a stop is Faulconbridge, about 85 kilometres from Sydney.
  • Mount Victoria: Mount Victoria is the highest point in the Blue Mountains at 1064 metres above seas level. It is a small town with several lookouts and picnic spots, 126 kilometres from Sydney. The Mount Victoria Museum in the railway station has a country life and transport exhibition, but is only open weekends 2pm to 5pm.

It's really beautiful place. Just 1-2 days for touring you will not forget and have amazing memory about this mountain.

Thanks for reading!!!


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